“Juliette came up with a plan, and explained what she was trying to achieve for me. When I left after my first session, I remember feeling lighter and with hope that I could feel differently again. Over the coming weeks my energy levels increased and I was able to cope with the anxiety my symptoms can cause much more positively.”


My approach

I will provide you with a safe space where you will be truly heard.

I take a holistic approach to your healthcare by examining your whole body health and then determining the best course of action to help you heal. Each person’s treatment is tailored to them.

I encourage collaboration with my patients by offering yang shen (nurturing life) advice, This is an ancient Chinese philosophy of achieving wellness and longevity through simple lifestyle techniques, and an integral part of the healing process.

  • 1 - The Consultation

    I will ask detailed questions about the reason for your visit and general health, as well as your medical history and lifestyle. This usually takes 20-30 minutes and allows me to gain a whole, or holistic, picture of your health.

  • 2 - Tongue & Pulse Reading

    If you’ve never been to an acupuncturist before, this part may feel a little strange. I will ask to look at your tongue, and then take your pulse on both sides. Together with your answers during the consultation, this will help me to formulate an accurate diagnosis. (Please do not brush your tongue on the day of your appointment).

  • 3 - The Treatment

    I will insert fine acupuncture needles at certain points on the body, chosen according to your specific diagnosis. Once the needles are in, most patients feel a sense of deep relaxation & even sleepiness. This lasts around half an hour. The treatment may include other modalities such as moxa or cupping too, depending on your diagnosis.

  • 4 - After the Treatment

    You may feel relaxed and sleepy after your treatment. Some people can feel light-headed too. It is best not to plan anything strenuous after your treatment, and almost always I will advise patients to drink plenty of water. I will also offer yang shen (nurturing life) advice when appropriate.

Below are some other techniques which may be included in your treatment, depending on your presenting condition. Cupping and Gua Sha can also be used diagnostically.

  • Gua Sha tools image

    Gua Sha

    Literally means ‘scraping’ and involves the use of a smooth tool which is gently rubbed over the skin, stimulating blood flow, improving circulation and regenerating cell renewal. This is a gentler way to bring blood flow to the surface of the body but can leave red marks.

  • Moxa cone image


    Moxa, or Mugwort, is a herb that is used to warm acupuncture points which invigorates the flow of qi (energy) in the body. Its heating properties encourage cellular movement which improves circulation and helps healing.

  • Fire cupping image


    Fire cupping draws stagnant blood, toxins and sticky fluids (lymph, coagulated proteins) to the surface of the body, so that healthy circulation can be restored, thus creating space for oxygen, living cells and nutrients for faster recovery.